
Yoga Essentials Training

The Yoga Essentials Training - created and guided by rockstar teacher Fantine Tho - is all about igniting inner guidance.

A 4-week training to help you create the habit of a daily practice - even if it's just 5 minutes - and start each day with intention and clear direction. By joining this training you'll naturally gain strength, flexibility & clarity - and these are just the side effects. 

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Next training starts November 16

Who is this for?

This training caters to everyone who wants to establish a strong foundation in yoga and become super confident in their practice - even if you’re just starting out. More specifically, for everyone seeking to establish a daily yoga practice and those who are interested in teaching yoga in the future, this training is THE perfect groundwork.

The Training

Our Yoga Essentials Training is the perfect blend of daily home practice, weekly live in-studio masterclasses, and online lectures led by Fantine. The aim of this training is to dive deep into the essentials of yoga and give you a super strong foundation: including yoga asanas, breathing exercises, meditation, yoga philosophy, and basic chakra (energy) work. You will get access to support audios and videos to study and practice.

Everything is meticulously crafted to support you in establishing a daily self-practice that fits your schedule, whether it's 5 minutes, 20 minutes, or 60 minutes each day. The benefits of a daily practice are endless: you'll gain strength and flexibility, experience increased energy, focus and better sleep, and feel more grounded and calm.

What's included

  • Yoga sequences that account for a full body workout, tackling strength, flexibility and relaxation
  • Breathing exercises to clear the mind, gain focus, and release stress
  • Guided meditation to restore, center, and expand intuition
  • 4 live in-studio masterclasses with Fantine
  • Online classes to support your home practice
  • Video lectures to deepen your understanding about the yoga philosophy and the chakras
  • Mentoring from Fantine
  • Yoga Essentials Training Certificate


  • We recommend to have joined at least one class with Fantine before joining the training.
  • Besides the live masterclasses, we recommend to reserve 2-3 hours weekly for study, and 20-30 minutes daily for your home practice.
  • A copy of the book: 'Yamas and Niyamas' by Deborah Adele.


  • Sat Nov 16 | 14.00 - 17.00 hrs
  • Sat Nov 23 | 14.00 - 17.00 hrs
  • Sat Nov 30 | 14.00 - 17.00 hrs
  • Sat Dec 7 | 14.00 - 17.00 hrs


The price for the training, including materials, is EUR 595 incl VAT. 

The training price includes VAT. If you are using this training as part of your professional responsibilities or have a budget provided by your employer, you may be eligible to reclaim the VAT/investment from your tax authorities or your workplace.

A tree is planted in Brazil for each participant in the training.

Contact Us

Have questions or need more information? Reach out to us at hello@studio-bondi.com or WhatsApp 070-4062175

Meet the teacher

Teacher photos bio website

I’m Fantine Tho, musician, dedicated yoga teacher on a renatification mission in Brazil.

I’ll be sharing the framework that has helped me stay creative and inspired before going on stage, studio and songwriting sessions. Staying connected and caring in challenging times too, from changing careers to expanding new passions and becoming a single mom in a foreign country. I believe we own an amazing instrument of immense capacity when we learn to work with all the magic it is designed to provide us with. 

Building a relationship with our bodies and mind and learning to respond to its natural needs is an art and sometimes a battle we should be taught to craft and handle at home and in school.

I’m glad and grateful to have access to ancient knowledge that equips us with the ability to embrace our Human Nature fully. Everything I do is devoted to conscious living so that we are free to celebrate life fully and authentically.


It's a 4-week program led by Fantine Tho, designed to establish a strong foundation in yoga and start a daily self practice. You will be equipped with tools to start your own yoga journey, including breathing exercises and meditation. You will get access to support audios and videos to study and practice. Including yoga asana tutorials, yoga philosophy, basic knowledge of the chakras, music, and guided meditation; everything you need to reap the benefits of a daily practice and feel centered in your body and mind.

Everything is meticulously crafted to support you in establishing a daily self-practice that fits your schedule, whether it's 5 minutes, 20 minutes, or 60 minutes each day. The benefits of a daily practice are endless: you'll gain strength and flexibility, experience increased energy and focus, and feel more grounded and calm, even during stressful times, having the Yoga Essentials tools at your disposal.

The entire training will be available through on-demand videos (accessible via the Studio Bondi app) that you can refer back to even after the training concludes. These on-demand videos include yoga sequences, breathing exercises, guided meditations, as well as short lectures on yoga philosophy and chakras. During the 3-hour live in-studio masterclasses, Fantine will delve deeper into the course material for that respective week and provide more personalized feedback. 

If you're unable to attend our live in-studio masterclasses, don't worry! You can still join these sessions online or watch the recordings at your convenience. If you prefer to participate online, please email us at hello@studio-bondi.com to let us know your preference, ensuring a seamless experience for both in-person and online participants.

No, it's not an official teacher training program. However, it serves as a pre-teacher training, offering valuable insights and foundational knowledge for those interested in pursuing teaching in the future.

Besides the live masterclasses (see dates and time above), we recommend to reserve 2-3 hours weekly for study, and 20-30 minutes daily for practice. 

If you miss a live session, you can watch the recording.

You will have life long access to all online materials. This includes video sessions, resources, and any additional content provided.

The next training starts in November 2024

100%! The Yoga Essentials Training is designed for everyone, whether you have a lot of experience or just started to take classes. Fantine will guide you at every step, and she’ll ensure the program is accessible and beneficial for everyone.